
Programming and Infosec for fun!


  • Asynchronous Domain Enumerator in Rust

    In this post I will show you a Rust application to enumerate domains asynchronously using DNS queries with the A and AAAA DNS record types to identify if the domain is resolving or not. This can be useful to identify if an domain is available or enumerate domains or subdomains via brute forcing.

  • Verify all urls described by the sitemap plugin in Wordpress

    I developed a toy Ruby application to verify all urls described by the sitemap plugin in Wordpress instance.

  • MongoDB Replica Set Configuration with Authentication and Transactions Support

    I’ve been working on a Python project that requires MongoDB with transactions in recent months. The transactions feature is only available for replica sets and sharded clusters. So, the goal of this post is to provide a quick guide for configuring a development environment with authentication and transaction enabled, rather than a fully functional cluster configuration.

  • Ethernet packets transmission with Ruby

    Computers use network protocols to transfer data and the basic unit for this is called network packet and I will use ruby and containers to demonstrate how the packet transmission works.

  • A TCP Reverse Shell with Rust

    A reverse shell, also known as a remote shell or “connect-back shell” is used to initiate a shell session and execute commands in a target system.

  • Network protocols with Ruby

    I’m a fan of network communications and computer security, and I will publish a set of articles to understand basic networking concepts that could be useful to attack network protocols.

  • Managing multiple github accounts using several ssh identities

    As a Software Consultant I need a suitable way to deal with multiple github accounts, their ssh keys and with several source code repositories.

  • How to list all the installed apps in your iDevices

    I wrote a program using the idevice rubygem to print a list of all applications installed on each device based on iOS, using the bindings for the libimobiledevice and libplist libraries, and running on Mac OSX or Linux (Santoku or Remnux).

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